Monday, March 22, 2010

Baseball Challenge returns!!!

Welcome to the 2010 season, gentlemen. I have received a few inquiries of late as to wether or not I will be blogging on the upcoming fantasy season again or not. At this point, I am not exactly what sure of role I will have, if any. Unfortunately, my time constraints at work are likely to prevent me from putting as much time into this as I was able to last season. That's what happens when your boss gets shit-canned and the coroprate tools bring in someone to straighten out the operation. My staff of employees has been cut by 25% and, you guessed it, that workload falls on my back.

Here is what I am trying to work out at the moment:

I put alot of time and pride into what I posted here last year, and greatly appreciated the following that this site generated as well as the loyalty of those who returned day after day. It was taking me close to two hours a day to put this together and, on a few weekends when I was out of town, it became a real burden on myself and my family. My decision to put an end to it, due to this as well as the strain of a long season that eventually burned me out, really pained me. I walked away feeling like I had left unfinished business on the table. The funny thing is that, after I cashed it in, my ranking went from somewhere around 1000th (if I remember right) to th 48th and a finish on the 2nd half leaderboard. I never expected that to happen, but it proved to me that I truly was burned out.

Having said all of that, I really am getting a hankering to give this a go once again. The biggest thing that I am concerned about is what I consider to be the integrity of the blog. I simply don't want to do this in a half-assed manner, yet I know that I can not go at it full throttle, at least not early in the season. I am trying to figure out a way to provide an inciteful, useless tool for those who are interested in reading it without minimizing my posts so much that they do not bring any value to the reader. If I can figure out how to do that, I will probably fire this mother up again. Still, I am not sure if this can be accomplished or not. The bottom line is that the format I used last season is not going to be something that I can use, at least not early in the season.

Ultimately, I am torn. I am indeed working on a few ideas that will allow me to do this in a less time consuming fashion and , at the same time, make it relevant and useful. I promise that more details will come as I get them ironed out. In the meantime, if anyone has any feelings as to what they would like to see, or even if they are interested in me doing this at all, please feel free to comment. As always, all suggestions are appreciated and taken into consideration.

Thanks boys, the season is right around the corner.



  1. Could you link to the good forum? I was on there last year but now I'm on a new computer and don't have the link. Thank you.

  2. Sure, email me at with your board name included and I will give it to you.

  3. I am looking forward to your advice. It helped me trumendously last year.

  4. Maybe more general information.. Like those that hit lefties...Hitters parks, Pitchers batters against certain pitchers or teams... instead of posting your lineup...may save on used instead of the decisions...

  5. Yeah... Just a couple more days until the season starts....

  6. Gomer, let Mr H help you out, he is the new BBC god

  7. Actually Mrs H is the god and Mr H gives advice like should .. should ... should....

  8. I thought there is no deletion here, just saw someone's post about Mr H is the new BBC god got deleted, lol.... it is all the same, trigger happy!!!
